It has become a fast friend and confidant during a fragile time on so many levels and tonight I was going to go to the gym and do my own thing. Instead, the line, 'Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself, will it ever get better than tonight?'.
I forfeited my original plan and wondered what is it that I do to have someone think that about me? We expect so much from others - our lovers, our children, our friends, parents siblings and all those in our lives and as much as we think we give to them, have you ever wondered what they think of us? Do we give them the lyrics to a song; the words to a poem; the smell of spring in the park? Would it be so terrible if I woke up at 4:30am and did double time and give that tonight? So I did.
I sent a brief message on facebook and received great comments from friends new and from my past and hope that I was able to give a little back to whomever I could. This photo of these delicate blue and yellow flowers at the break of dusk in this huge park in the middle of this magnificent city tells so much. To pause in the middle of our craziness to breathe with our eyes and see with all of our senses of the small things make a powerful difference. One small blue bud looks delicate, fragile and peaceful and as you step away, this blanket of blue ignites the landscape.
I watched Julie & Julia today - certainly not for the first time (or last) and wondered if anyone reads what I write here. I am not sure how anyone finds these blogs but I made a promise that I would write more and more consistently. And ran out and bought butter. Lots of it!
I'll be happy to read your blog! I think the same thing about mine. "is anyone reading?" I love soft butter on saltines.