Saturday, July 2, 2011

The oldest profession

I took the morning and drank it in slowly. Watched the last few episodes of season 5 of Sex and The City, had a healthy breakfast, coffee, read emails and 4th of July posts on Facebook and took little naps in between.
Later in the afternoon I went to get my haircut on the East side and back to Columbus Circle for a good work out before I went to work. The elliptical and I spent some painful, quality time together clearly communicating to my ticker that we have a lot ahead of us - and that is why we are here. Did some leg work, hit the showers and out to the Circle.
I was innocently minding my own business, in average summer attire with dark sunglasses, black shorts, high tops and a plain grey t-shirt with my black gym bag in tow.
This lovely woman starts walking along side me. She has seen the ascent hillside of her 60's and headed to the middle ground, has worked hard on maintaining her beauty as she had few wrinkles, had princess pink lipstick, perfect teeth, dusty blond hair pulled straight and laced with pin curls, a long, lean, willowy figure and was wearing a pink quarter sleeve blouse, white slacks, pink pumps topped off with a warm, pleasant smile.
She asked me if I was visiting NY and I said no, that I lived here. She said she did too right on 57th and 9th and asked if I worked nearby and I said yes. She asked where and I told her right around the corner and I was headed there. She asked if I had a management position and I said I did. She asked if I ever wanted to come over, she reminded me of her location and that it was easy to get to and she had a 4th floor walk up. I said that was very kind of her to offer. She asked if I like to get ....
Well she asked me some specific sexual questions and by the look of horror on my face she promptly asked if I was married. It was not that I was opposed to the questioning but in shock that this kind of thing happens in broad daylight in this manner surrounded by visiting families..
She may want to rush in where angels fear to tread, but in this case I was shocked.
I let her know my own little dirty secret - as much as I appreciate the offer, I am gay.
So we parted ways and it has left me with a lot to think about.
I was a little sad because I thought of my grandmothers, mother, friend's mothers and grandmothers and wondered how do you get to this point? Do we blame Republicans? Social Security mis-management, melted 401k plans, employers expeditious departures from pensions, high-jacked welfare system or just plain old poor planning for our twilight years?
After that exhaustive pondering, it occurred to me that this gal still has it!
God bless her and her pink lips!


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