Very casually, my neighbor Laura asked if we were interested in seeing her husband perform and that he was a musician. We said yes, it would be fun, why not. We met in the hallway a couple of times, she has a handsome, smart 12 year old son, Chris who has a dog named Brando who hangs with our dog and went to our first NYC dog show and entered M&M and it was a lot of fun. M nor Brando won anything but in our humble opinions were first runners up.
Laura shares some typical parenting challenges of raising a teen boy, life's trials, technoligical hiccups, her work as a physical therapist and is genuinely a lovely, caring Mom, Wife and friend who I enjoy having adult conversations with and the kind of person with whom you can mutually, instantly assimilate; laugh and empahize.
As far as the concert is concerned, I did not know what time or where and did not find out until after 7pm last night. She sent us a text with the location on W. 3rd and we rush out and arrive a little late.
The show was sold out, we were allowed 'standing room' only so we did.
And stumbled upon a legend....playing at the Blue Note.
All I can say is don't miss him! Amazingly talented, beautiful, sexy Jazz with a latin vibe that at once soothes your soul and rocks your sinews